
Phew! What a year we have had.

12th May 2023

The Foodbank has been so busy over the last year helping more than 1,400 people cope with the cost of living crisis and food poverty.

We have taken-in 16.5 tonnes of tinned and packet food, toiletries, and even petfood, and distributed more than 17.3 tonnes [reducing our stocks and having to buy more in].

It is so satisfying for our volunteers to be able help feed the 805 adults and 619 children who came to us. A big thank you to our volunteers, to ASDA Swanley and WAITROSE Sevenoaks for their in-store donation points, the schools and churches for their food collections, and to the generosity of our donors who provide money for us to keep the Foodbank running.

The figures from January to March 2023, compared to the same period last year, are up by a whopping 174% !!! (from 173people fed in the first three months last year to 474 this year). So please continue to donate money, tinned and packet foodstuff, toiletries and toilet rolls – so that we can continue helping those in need.



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